Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Plan on giving up...

I just plan on giving up...that's it. I have to teach my dad how to be human and how to accept reality. Who the fuck am I to do that? I thought he was the one who was supposed to be my role model, not the opposite way. I'm not wiling to go through with this because I'm not his teacher or anything, I'm his son. If his son knows more than him and needs to teach him, that's just pure sadness. I had to send him a message about respect, something that HE HIMSELF talked to us about for a long time. What else could I do? I can't do this every single time he makes a mistake, I just can't. And then at school, I can't do much either. I want to get things cleared up with this friend but she's got other people who she has to deal with. Sad part is, I'm pretty sure I'm a lot less important than all of them are according to her so she won't want to deal with me right now. I really don't know what to do...what am I still in this school for? I got no one, I honestly got no one. No one is willing to help out, and I can't deal with more than one thing at a time. Both of my good friends, who are also coincidentally my only friends, one of them is one of her closest friends so she can't do anything about it. My other best friend, he won't do anything about it.

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