Yesterday, since it was a success for me to install my short shifter handle, I decided that I would attempt to switch my air filter. So then after school, I went back home, and immediately started working. Here's the result of the experiment I tried before going to buy an air filter:
After I got this far, I knew I had done everything correctly, put the air filter back in, reconnected the long tube to the filter housing and head to Kragen Auto Parts for the second day this week. When I got there, I bought this cheap air filter that was used by the shop themselves so I bought it for I believe it was $15. I went back home, the installation took less than 10 minutes. After I finished everything, I was incredibly happy that I had successfully did another thing and I was hooked onto doing more stuff, but unfortunately, without buying more tools, I am unable to go on :(. Anyways, I might just stop for a while now because I don't know how to change the engine oil yet or the other fluids and I haven't bought washer fluid (for windshield use) and coolant fluid yet.
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