Thursday, January 19, 2012

Track and autocross as an addition to drag racing?

So last night...I was on facebook and this SHS alumni from 2 years ago commented on one of my statuses. This guy was in my digital photography class 2 years ago and to be honest, I thought he was quite annoying but funny at times. But this isn't the point. I had no idea he was a professional track racer and have done many autocross runs as well. He was teaching me about how to downshift without the need to use the synchronizer (needed for single clutch downshifting but if it were to be double clutch downshifting, the synchronizer is not needed but it still makes the engine match up with the speed of the gears). So he showed me a video of him doing a run at one of the tracks somewhere down south near UC Riverside (school that he goes to). Later on, he tells me to record myself going through gears (both up shifting and downshifting) and perhaps if i get lucky, have performance companies sponsor my car. By this time, I was hooked, literally hooked. I immediately had respect for him, #1 reason being he's done track runs before and also autocross. Then he tells me that I should try going out for autocross too in which I responded that I am open to any opportunities that are given to me. So hopefully in the near future i'll get to run some tracks as well as autocross but first, I need to improve on performance driving.

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